Saturday, June 13, 2009

Reluctant dreamer

Scientists theorize that dreaming results from the brain trying to reorganize its memories. I used to believe so. But this belief led to more questions than answers. I dreamt a lot since childhood years. Images from these dreams were familiar ones but mostly didn't make sense. Only later in life did I understand what these dreams meant. They were actually images emanating from precognition abilities. It seems I can pick-up events about to happen, messages from both earth-bound spirits and spirit guides, unconscious data from other people, etc. Somehow memories embedded in objects also find their way in my dream world.

At first I found this ability rather inconvenient. However, I realized this is who I am....I must embrace rather than resist it. This dream blog is one way of embracing this ability. I will make a journal of my dreams and what they may mean, what the symbols and metaphors stand for, what the energies and emotions I pick up are telling me. For me this will be both a service to others and celebrating my gifts. Afterall, my dream life is far richer and exciting than my waking life.

Let me start with my dream last night, June 12:

I dreamt of an old friend who has been special to me, somebody whom I haven't seen for a decade. The image depicts of an upcoming wedding. It felt so good being able to embrace each other again and express mutual affection. Maybe this dream tells me that the union of my feminine and masculine is entering another phase, that my psyche is becoming whole again. It is also possible that my friend remembers the past and still honors it. What is important is that this dream forces me to pay attention to seek psychic balance both internally and outwardly.

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